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Vaccination mod influenza – er det noget for mig?

Din arbejdsplads har valgt at tilbyde dig en vaccination mod influenza. Det er i alles interesse at du og dine kollegaer er raske. Influenza er en tilbagevendende udfordring for hele samfundet, fordi sygdommen statistisk set medfører epidemi 5-6 gange på et årti. En epidemi kan medføre, at flere end én million danskere får influenza. Det betyder mange sygefraværsdage. Vaccination er den eneste forebyggelse mod influenza, og det er nemt og sikkert.

Influenza er ikke almindelig vintersnue men kan medføre alvorlig sygdom

Influenza forveksles ofte med andre og mere almindelige, ”vintersygdomme” – især forkølelse. Influenza er en smitsom virus, der medfører høj feber, hovedpine og smerter i muskler og led. For en ellers sund og rask person, vil influenza ofte medføre, at man er syg i 3 til 7 dage. For personer med nedsat immunforsvar eller ældre personer over 65 år kan influenza medføre et længere sygdomsforløb, og der kan tilstøde følgesygdomme som f.eks. lungebetændelse. Det anslås, at der årligt dør op mod 1.000 danskere af influenza. Influenza er ikke en ”løbende næse”, ondt i halsen eller anden generel vintersløjhed, men bliver ofte forvekslet med det.

Alle kan få influenza – også dig

En anden hyppig misforståelse skyldes tanken om at ”Jeg får aldrig influenza”, eller at man føler sig i god form og uden for risiko. Influenza kan ramme alle, uanset alder, køn og generel form.

Man får ikke influenza af vaccinen

En tredje udbredt misforståelse omkring influenzavaccination er, at man får influenza af vaccinen. Det gør man ikke. Der er nemlig ikke levende virus i vaccinen, men derimod død virus. Den døde virus får kroppen til at lave naturlige antistoffer, som kan bekæmpe den levende influenzavirus, hvis du skulle blive smittet.

Er der bivirkninger?

Man kan opleve ømhed og rødme, hvor man er blevet stukket, og enkelte kan få forbigående feber. Det er tegn på, at kroppen arbejder på at danne antistoffer mod influenza. De fleste oplever ikke bivirkninger.


Din arbejdsplads har valgt at tilbyde dig en gratis vaccination mod influenza. Det er naturligvis helt frivilligt, om du ønsker at blive vaccineret.

Læses inden vaccination mod influenza

Du skal opholde dig på vaccinationsstedet 10 min. efter vaccinationen.

Du kan blive vaccineret, hvis du kan svare nej til nedenstående.

  • Er du allergisk over for influenzavaccine?

  • Er du allergisk over for æg eller kylling?

  • Er du allergisk over for formaldehyd, ovalbumin, gentacimin/neomycin (antibiotikum til behandling af bakterielle infektioner i gruppen aminoglykosider), cetyltrimethylammoniumbromid eller polysorbat 80? (Er du allergisk, så ved du det)

  • Har du feber? Eller er du akut syg?

  • Reagerer du voldsomt på andre vacciner?

  • Er du vaccineret tidligere i år for influenza?

Astma, nældefeber, høfeber og allergisk eksem forhindrer dig ikke i at blive influenzavaccineret. For astmatikere er det oftest tilrådeligt.


Let ømhed, rødme og hævelse ved indstiksstedet ses. Let feber, hovedpine, udslæt, muskel- og ledsmerter kan forekomme. Allergiske reaktioner kan forekomme.

Du er blevet vaccineret med Influvac 0,5 ml – vaccinen vil blive registreret

Beholdes som dokumentation for influenzavaccination.

Hent PDF

How effective is the flu vaccine?

Most years it provides a 50 to 70 per cent probability of complete protection. This is the best defense available against the flu.

Can the flu jab cause the flu?

Absolutely not. The vaccine contains no live flu virus so it is impossible for it to give you the flu.

How does the vaccine work?

The vaccine contains inactivated virus that enables your immune system to make antibodies. These protect it against the strains of the virus predicted by the World Health Organization as the most likely to hit the UK.

How long does the vaccine take to work?

Protection develops about a week after receiving the vaccine.

Are there any side effects from having the jab?

Side effects are extremely uncommon. Some people may feel some slight soreness in their arm where they had the injection. Occasionally a slight temperature or headache 24 hours after the jab may be experienced.

Does the vaccine protect against colds?

No, the viruses that cause colds are different from the ones that cause flu. But the effects of flu at home and at work are far nastier than a cold, so it is good to be as protected as possible.

What is flu?

Flu – or to give it its proper name influenza – is a highly infectious virus which affects your respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs). Symptoms include headache, high fever, chills, sore throat, aching muscles and joints and a dry cough. For most people the flu lasts for about a week and can leave them feeling very tired for some time after. Occasionally complications develop in at-risk groups and some people are ill for longer, and need hospital care.

Can anyone catch the flu?

Yes, no matter how fit and healthy the individual is, they can end up in bed with the flu.

Can you avoid catching the flu?

The flu virus is very infectious, so if there is an outbreak, it can be hard to avoid unless you have natural immunity to it. The most effective way to avoid the flu is to get vaccinated, which offers around 70 to90 per cent protection. Hand washing and trapping coughs and sneezes in your handkerchief will also help avoid the spread of infection.

Will having the jab hurt?

Discomfort is minimal. The injection is given in the upper arm via a small needle and only takes a couple of seconds to administer. The jab is given by a highly qualified nurse and your staff member will be back at their desk within minutes.

Does having the jab protect you for life?

No. Unfortunately, you have to be vaccinated yearly as the flu virus is constantly changing, so each year the virus is slightly different.

Should anyone not have the flu jab?

You should not be vaccinated: if you have had an allergic reaction to a previous flu vaccine or if you have a serious allergy to hens’ eggs; if you are allergic to certain antibiotics (but allergy to penicillin or erythromycin is NOT a problem). Flu vaccine is safe in pregnancy, and is recommended by the National Board of Health.

Does the National Board of Health provide flu jabs?

Yes, but it focuses its effort on specific groups such as the over 65s. Healthy working adults only receive a flu vaccine if provided by their employer or if they choose to pay for it privately.

What is a flu epidemic?

A flu epidemic is when a high proportion of people get influenza – often as a result of a significant change in the flu virus. Flu epidemics tend to happen every few years in Denmark.

What is a flu pandemic?

A flu pandemic occurs when a major change to the flu virus emerges, for which worldwide, patients have little defense… During the 20th century there were three flu pandemics, including the Spanish flu which is estimated to have infected half the world population, killing some 30 million people.

Såfremt du ikke kan være tilstede på vaccinationsdagen i din virksomhed, så kan du bestille tid på en af vores rejseklinikker.

Du kan bestille tid online her.

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